Flashback: An Interview With WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange

Forbes 11/29/2010

Admire him or revile him, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is the prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency, the leader of an organization devoted to divulging the world’s secrets using technology unimagined a generation ago.

Over the last year his information insurgency has dumped 76,000 secret Afghan war documents and another trove of 392,000 files from the Iraq war into the public domain–the largest classified military security breaches in history.

Sunday, WikiLeaks made the first of 250,000 classified U.S. State Department cables public, offering an unprecedented view of how America’s top diplomats view enemies and friends alike…

Source: http://www.forbes.com

NBC blocks Julian Assange interview with bogus DMCA takedown


By Kevin Collier on May 31, 2013

It was set to be an illuminating online conversation with one of the world’s most controversial figures.

But Al Jazeera’s livestreamed talk with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was cut short on YouTube Thursday, inexplicably the victim of a copyright claim by NBC Universal.

Visitors who tried to watch the talk, hosted by Al Jazeera’s The Stream, were greeted with the message “This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.”

It’s unclear what, exactly, that’s supposed to mean, as NBC Universal and Al Jazeera are separate companies. The Stream tweeted to the Daily Dot that it “was an automatic block by YouTube which we’re disputing.” NBC Universal didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.

The U.S. Recovery Has Been Spectacular*

We need a real recovery. That’s what Mitt Romney said during the campaign, and he was right. Five years since the start of the Great Recession, unemployment is still far too high. It’s not for a lack of optimism among policymakers. As Evan Soltas pointed out, the Federal Reserve keeps predicting that prosperity is just around the corner, only to find it’s not. Catchup growth is the new Godot.


*Compared to almost every other rich country and almost every other financial crisis.

Bradley Manning supporters rally at Fort Meade on eve of military trial

bradley manning

Supporters of accused WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning protested outside Fort Meade on Saturday just two days before the young soldier’s court martial opens at the army camp.

A decade of slow growth?


By Fareed Zakaria

From: Cnn.com:
Every year at Davos, people like me try to get a sense of the mood of the place, take the temperature of people in this frosty mountain resort.

Obviously, I will give you a highly impressionistic and personal picture, but it’s one I find useful since Davos does bring together leaders in government, business, media – even the NGO community – from all corners of the world. It is genuinely global in a way that few conferences are…


Bloomberg: The Fiscal Cliff Will Drive the U.S. Into Recession


House Speaker John Boehner says he was “flabbergasted” when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner pitched the White House plan to save the nation from the “fiscal cliff.”


6 Ways The Fiscal Cliff Could Affect You

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke used the term “fiscal cliff,” it quickly became the newest Washington buzzphrase. As the deadline to avert the cliff nears, it has overtaken the European debt crisis as the most talked-about story in the financial media. The fiscal cliff refers to the enactment of a number of laws that would, if not changed before Jan. 1, 2013,


Fiscal cliff would drive the U.S. economy back into recession.

Fiscal cliff would drive the U.S. economy back into recession before end of 2013, a new report from the Congressional Budget Office said. Congressional Budget Office released a report showing that the most harmful consequences of the fiscal cliff, a fully armed and operational fiscal cliff would cost us 3.4 million jobs.

Obama Fiscal Cliff Deal Risks Brush With Recession

Bradley Manning Offers Guilty Plea To Lesser Charges In Wikileaks Case

The Website for the lawyer representing Bradley Manning, an Army enlisted man held without trial for two years in the Wikileaks case, says he has offer to plead guilty to some of the lesser charges he faces.