Ka POW! Hackers threaten to target military base holding Wikileaks ‘whistleblower’

The Pentagon has ordered an investigation into threats against a military base that is holding a U.S. soldier accused of giving documents to WikiLeaks….

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

HuffPost: WikiLeaks’ Next Target: Bank Of America?

HuffPost’s Sam Stein reports that the Obama administration is not ruling out taking legal action against WikiLeaks…

WikiLeaks’ Cablegate: The latest dump of confidential documents..

WikiLeaks released 250,000 secret State Department documents on Sunday, including cables related to Iran and its nuclear program, leading to numerous reactions…

Wikileaks: releasing anonymously submitted documents.

The site, which is devoted to releasing anonymously submitted documents, also came under attack Sunday, but Tuesday’s attack appeared to be more powerful.